Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Get the Hair Out YOUR Drain


…“Get the hair out of your drain”?????

Girl, WHERE is this going???

For some of you…all you needed to read was “Get the hair out of your drain” and that was enough…
It spoke to you (Mmmhmm)!!!


For the curious, join me on this possibly quick journey…
 (I can’t make any promises)…

Some GYC Pre-SideNote Rant-like Commentary
Hair grows from you. It falls out daily… for some of us it’s natural and we’re not balding, we don’t lose sleep over it but when it clogs our drain, it forces us to stand in dirt (and whatever else you’re washing off…that’s your business)… because of something we let go of…

It forces us to deal with something we already thought we dealt with…

So…I saw this quote on Facebook or Pinterest (I can’t remember) but its substance is extremely powerful, “if you let it go, where did it go?” As in… Could you possibly be standing in its influence, did you tell yourself you let it go but you’re really hoping it never left, and/or you’re not sure if you really let it go because you didn’t know the truth of the situation, or you’re like me…and you just didn’t want to be honest?

Alright, let’s start from the beginning…

You washed your hair…your drain gets clogged…and now you’re standing in the dirt that you just washed off…because of something you let go of…

You follow? Okay.

If you’re wondering where this post came from…
I was in the shower washing my hair, and trying to make sure my hair didn’t clog the drain…

And I started to think…

How much stuff have we 'washed' off or out but are still standing in its influence?

This is starting to sound a little like “Funky Guests Make Your Whole House Funky” Right?? But it’s not (I think? …This is possibly a different level).

GYC SideNote: Sometimes I just laugh at the moments the shower creates because some of those moments/thoughts get real deep…yep (or at least I think they do...)!

“It’s nothing like standing in the shower with a clogged drain. Everything gets clean but your feet.”-Life, GYC

If you can relate,
Let’s get the hair out of our drain!!!

Yep…another reality check post for me this 2014…
1.   To clean is to recognize the need. In order to get the hair out of your drain…there has to be hair in it!
We wash our hair for many reasons… But before we decide to wash our hair, we’ve recognized at least one of our many reasons as a need that needs to be fulfilled/achieved/taken care of/you get the picture...

Then we wash our hair.
         +Recognize the need
         +Approach the need
         +Realize the solution
         +Live the solution

The thing is…sometimes when we recognize the need it doesn’t help us process and fully understand the solution. Or the solution we find…only provides temporarily for the need, which is where the clogged drain comes in.

When life moves forward don’t let the past haunt.

GYC Personal Commentary…not story
There definitely have been moments in my life recently and of the past that I thought I let go of something…only later to realize that I am still standing in its influence, and now, realizing why I wasn’t REALLY able to let it go… Confronting that part of me began to show the steps I need to take for growth in that area.

It’s great when we can recognize our needs and even more when we are able to take the next step, realize and live the solution.

For me, I needed to “let it go” for that moment since I wasn’t ready to be honest because I didn’t know the honesty of the situation, nor did I care to know. However, since I’ve decided to be in a state of substance and ditch surface only, I’ve started to distinguish the difference of standing in an influence that made me bitter and standing in an influence that made me better. One tracks mud and the other leaves a legacy.

Get the Hair Out Your Drain! And keep it out!!

2.    After you’ve washed your hair… take what came out and decide where it needs to go. If it goes down that drain…it will surely build up and cause you to stand in what you “think/thought” you let go of…

Give that “hair” a burial that can’t be dug up.
Distance your thoughts of the past with a fresh perspective that serves you…

“You ever ask someone to take their shoes off…only to find that their feet or socks are dirty? I don’t have a point to make…I’m just throwing that out there.”

Get the Hair Out Your Drain!

     2a. Let your hair dry. Clear your head.
Our drain gets clogged because we’ve only let go of the surface, we’ve cutoff contact with the person or thing but we’re still allowing it to occupy our thoughts like “it” never left. You know…refusing to be honest about why we let it go and who we’ve become because of its presence and absence in our life.

Allow your thoughts to serve you beauty instead of misery.

Get the Hair Out Your Drain!

3.    Put a mask on (I like a nice moisture mask...) and relax.
Breathe in. Breathe out. And allow the present to live and the future to be born.

It’s always important to remember that you’re still standing. Remember that when you think about looking back with a negative view.

Before I sign off, go to the nearest mirror, look at it and say it with me…

GIRL!!! “Get the hair out of your drain”
And whatever else is in your mirror conversation

“There is no need to allow the past to hold up your present…let’s push forward with understanding.”

Those steps above are currently on repeat in my life…you know for sanity reasons…

Defeating Crazy With Courage,
Lauren Alicia

Want to take your growth in the post to the next level? Get my NEW book, Dear Divorce, Thank You (Even Though I Hate You)...

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